Name: Medaglia d’oro all’architettura italiana
Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2009
Typology: Exhibition
SL: 600 sqm
Client: La Triennale di Milano
Designed on the occasion of the Gold Medal for Architecture awarded to Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas in 2009, the installation conceived for La Triennale di Milano presents itself as a superimposed set of thoughts and images. A single three-dimensional element taken as a cell multiplies, at different scales, in space to build an “immense” reticular and aerial structure. The installation is a support for the visualisation of flowing thoughts, as if it were a mental archive of constructed projects. It is meant to be a complex spatial system made up of simple elements multiplied. The porosity of the structure expands, fills the void and presents itself as the materialisation of a spatial matrix.
The exhibition of the projects is preceded by a decompression room, destined for a collection of images on the Italian landscape: a prologue announcing the transformations that architecture makes on the territory.

The space is marked by a thin network of lines, a digital matrix that takes substance, where necessary, condensing around the images. The supports for images and models are the structure of the void that becomes visible, making it possible to return the images to their evocative state and their immateriality.