Name: Bosco della Musica
Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2022
Typology: Culture, Residential
SL:13.000 sqm
Client: Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi
The Santa Giulia district in Rogoredo has several souls and is at the centre of a profound transformation. The proposal for the new headquarters of the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Milan represents an opportunity to complete a part of the city that, following the dismantling of the large steel plants that once covered the entire area, has been built up gradually as a sum of separate episodes, constructed without a unified design and gradually losing the possibility of dialogue with each other. The project proposes a tool to create a dense network of new relationships: a connecting tool, open to the neighbourhood, that exploits the potential of the existing urban landscapes, connecting them, activating what already exists and linking them to the planned design. The proposed approach is to transform and continue what already exists.

The new Conservatoire is organised around two main areas: the spaces related to the residence of students, professors and artists, and those related to the two music schools and the auditorium. Both are concentrated in a compact volume occupying the western part of the project area. The concentration of the volume makes it possible to make the connections between the functional areas of the building more efficient on the one hand, and to free up a large area for public use on the other: a green gallery, a continuous wood, crosses the entire project area from north-east to south-west, doubling the green area in the non-building part to the north-east of the area.

The highly diversified functional programme contributes to the activation of a dense network of relationships, in which short and local networks coexist and interact with long, urban and global networks, thus preserving the vitality and dynamism that characterise the urban dimension and favouring the construction of an open, dynamic, inclusive community with a strong identification with the neighbourhood.